Tuesday, October 29, 2024

I Miss Earth Worms. Do You? Exhibition Brisbane Institute of Art BIRD 2024

Following on from our last exhibition at the Toogoolawah Regional Art Gallery, The Condensary, where the subject was Birds, I have researched and am developing the theme to incorporate my concern for the environment.

Process/Inspiration - Photographs of my children, drawings, collage, oil on canvas. 60cm x 60cm oil



I MISS EARTH WORMS. DO YOU?                                            60cm x 60cm Oil on canvas

Main story - understory

Bees, fleas, worms, germs,
humans are but one part of the ecosystem.

We have become the impatient species. Too busy to let nature replenish itself and too puffed up with our own sense of importance to acknowledge our utter dependence on its generosity.
- David Suzuki

Travelling around the world and Australia, we have seen various monocultures. Large expanses of a single crop. And while these are hugely efficient for crop production and harvesting, they have devastating environmental impacts.

In this painting the child/birds are eating processed food stored in small plastic containers. The mat is plastic. There is no diversity in the crop in the background. A monoculture. A system recognized to destroy biodiversity of creatures in the soil, including worms.